Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Perfect Marriage - Love is Everything

"Wo Hen Xin Fu" is the msn nick that I used when we got together.

8 years into our relationship and 1 year into our marriage, I would like to declare "Wo Geng Xin Fu Le". This blog will be an online diary for me to remind myself how "Xin Fu" I am to have him with me , to marry him, to be able to see him everyday.

When I told a colleague that I was getting married, she said, "Welcome to the club! I believe women become mature only after they got married". I didn't understand what she meant then. Well, as our love matures, I also become more mature too.

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.'
Mature love says ' I need you because I love you'- Erich Fromm

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,                                 always with the same person"- Migon McLaughlin.'

After I got married, I became more in love with him. Especially after the things we went through. The way he was so caring towards my dad (who had stroke last year), the first time he cried infront of me when I said I would never be happy again (after I had a miscarriage), when he said he wished that I just have to play the game "Hay Day" everyday and don't work because I looked so happy (after I resign from teaching).
"Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do"
- David Wilkerson

Before marriage, I told him it would not matter if we could not have kids in future, we could adopt one - That was a lie. I love kids!!! I wish to have my own kids and I believed I would love my kids more that anything in my life including him.

However, he said he would love me more than our kids and I am everything to him.

After the miscarriage, he cried when I told him I would never be happy again. But when I saw his tears, I thought back and realized, why did I get married?  I wanted the "Happily ever after" with him and not because I wanted to legally have babies!!!

He taught me that when you love someone, you want nothing more than for her to be truly happy.

I realized "I forgotten" about him... about how much I love him... more than anything else and that I needed to get myself out of the misery of losing the child.

I want to be happy from now on, to smile for him, to live for him and to love him more everyday. The meaning of life is to be with him. To be happy so that he will be happy.

"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other"
 - Audrey Hepburn.

"We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another".

I enjoy doing everything with him - "Rotting on the bed", Watching the same dvd for the 5th time, going out for a date, sight-seeing with him, learning photography from him, doing stupid things together with him.

When you are in love, you always want to be together, stick to each other every moment. Well, my friend asked me whether I am more sticky to him or he is more sticky to me... I couldn't answer that.

"Love is being stupid together" - Paul Valery

"I love being married. It's so great to find that one person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."- Rita Rudner

We never really quarrel before... Why??? He is very sensitive towards my feelings and I communicate to him whenever I am not happy with anything. We are such a perfect couple. 8 years into our relationship and still enjoying honeymoon everyday.

Although after marriage and staying together, you get to see the flaws of each other. But when you are in love, you know that he will accept you just the way you are and vice versa.

"We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love"
 - Tom Robbins

Why marry? Because you get to care for each other everyday, in every single way. When two become one, when you make decisions together and share your life together. 

There are hundred and one definitions of what is love. 
I fully agree with this one:

"Ultimately love is everything"- M. Scott Peck